A record of scuba-travel adventures to follow

A record of scuba-travel adventures to follow!

Thursday 19 November 2015

9 November 2015

We'll be departing the sleepy town of Alotau, Milne Bay today at noon. The plan is to cruise around for the next few weeks in the Engineer and Conflict groups of islands to the east. From there we will turn north towards the province of East New Britain and the town of Rabaul. 

It's been a busy and exciting time here in Alotau. The festival has allow me and everyone on infinity to experience and see into Papua New Guinea's vast cultural pool. It's been a busy time filming and interviewing the chairman of the committee, the heading of Alotau's tourism board and a few others including a colourful cultural group. 

This is defitely somewhere I'm going to be returning to. I have written a number of posts but have been unable to post them due to the slow internet connection. They will appear in the future. 

For now I need to publicly thank Jaymataio, Ralph Numa and Joey Tau. Without there help visiting Alotau would have been a different experience. 

We should be arriving into Rabaul before the 28th of this month. I will keep another ships log and hopefully get it all up before I leaving PNG at the beginning of December.

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