A record of scuba-travel adventures to follow

A record of scuba-travel adventures to follow!

Tuesday 3 November 2015

26 October 2015

(watch 16.00 - 20.00)
GPS coordinates S11 / E11
Day 6 at sea

The wind has really picked up this evening. We're whizzing along heading straight for New Guinea and there are less than 500 miles to go. We hit a new top speed of 10 knots this afternoon. It's amazing just zooming along with the waves. Our speed has dropped to about 7.5 knots this evening. We'll be there in know time! I can't wait, but at the same time this long haul ocean sailing is pretty epic!

The dolphins were super cool, I can't get over that we saw that many all in one go! That's a story I'll tell everyone from here to South Africa.

Fortunately I don't have a night watch tonight so get a full helping of sleep! We've been rocking out to very loud Queen, AC/DC and Motörhead at the helm this evening. It's immensely empowering and also very humbling standing at the helm steering over huge waves especially as light begins to fade. You realise what a tiny blot this boat is in the ocean. Like the last few nights the moon and boats lights the only illumination for miles around. Our radio did crackle with static earlier today and a very distorted voice could be heard, I'm not sure what is was saying but that was the first outside contact we've had since leaving Vanuatu. If you can call it contact.

I'll rest well tonight, this voyage will soon be over and the Papua New Guinean one will begin!

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