A record of scuba-travel adventures to follow

A record of scuba-travel adventures to follow!

Friday 27 November 2015

14 November 2015 Whale Shark sighting

I did two dives today on the reef around Balu Island. The first dive was rather crowded, initially we jumped off the back of Infinity, however the current was too strong, so we were picked up again and dropped in by tender. The reef is amazing! One of the new arrivals, Sam from Australia and I hung behind taking photographs. Saw beautiful anemones and some huge giant clams.

Most of the dive spots we've visited so far on Infinity have been very off the beaten track! While some of the spots we're diving may been fished by locals, there's a strong argument that suggests we're the first scuba divers to dive here and that's exciting!

The second dive was just Sam and I and within second of us dropping in below the surface we bumped into a whale shark! It wasn't yet fully grown and was cruising by, talk about being in the right place at the right time. We attempted to keep up with it but nothing doing, two flicks of its tail and it was gone. My first encounter with a whale shark, absolute magic!

You never know what you're going to encounter when you drop beneath the waves, that's what makes it exciting!! 

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