A record of scuba-travel adventures to follow

A record of scuba-travel adventures to follow!

Friday 2 October 2015

#BigPacificSail starts 12th October

I think the video says it all but just in case you don’t understand. I’ll be off on another expedition, this one runs from the 12th of October until the 10th of January! I’ll be sailing from Vanautu to the Philippines via the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.

Keep you’re eyes fixed here: thedivelog.tumblr.com for all the latest news right from the front line! You can follow us on Twitter @thedivelog101 and get instant notifications when new posts arrive and/or on our Instagram account, search ‘thedivelog’
Also, checkout the guys I’m sailing with, Infinity Expedition here; infinityexpedition.org

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